Congratulations of the purchase of the egg

that isn’t just good for you, but good for the environment.

About wattleridge

In 2002, we decided to develop a farm that would dramatically reduce its footprint on the earth by giving back to the environment.

Wattle ridge farm is the result.

Located in regional Australia, it is this country’s first layer hen farm focussed on both saving the environment and giving back to it.

On the farm is a tree planting program which is second to none. 14,000 trees and surrounding farming land are fed with vital nutrients from chicken manure. Not a drop of grey water on the farm is wasted. It’s all fed into a water treatment plant and then used to water the trees. Any excess is then stored.

Wattle ridge chickens are fed with wholesome natural grains so they produce an equally wholesome and healthy egg.

Unlike many other farms, Wattle ridge eggs are untouched by human hands and are graded, packed and sent for delivery all on the same day. This means the freshest eggs to you with the highest level of food safety.

100% Recycled


And by 100% recyclable we mean that both the carton and the label including all inks and glues – are completely biodegradable. Even better, our entire packaging process is entirely carbon neutral. When we say environmentally friendly, we mean evironmentally friendly.

The Carton
All Wattle ridge egg cartons are formed from recycled paper. Waste paper is collected from printing presses, offices and homes, sent to the factory and washed in an organic soap to remove the print. During the filtering process all solid and foreign objects such as plastic are removed before the paper is pulped and shaped. After shaping, the egg cartons are placed on drying trays and then put through the drying oven where they are heated to create a solid egg carton.

The Label
All Wattle ridge egg carton labels are printed with environmentally friendly vegetable inks. The labels on the cartons are made of paper and pasted on.

Awarded the NSW Excellence Award for Environmental Design by the Institute of Surveyors, Wattle ridge takes a holistic approach to the management of the land upon which it was built.

A massive tree-planting program is underway (14,000 trees so far). Chicken waste is used as a valuable compost to fertilise the trees and surrounding farming land adding vital nutrients to depleted soils. In addition, the recycled water treatment plant helps turn dry unproductive land into timber country.

As well as giving back to the environment, planting these trees helps to offset carbon emissions.





Awarded the NSW Excellence Award for Environmental Design by the Institute of Surveyors, Wattle ridge takes a holistic approach to the management of the land upon which it was built.

A massive tree-planting program is underway (14,000 trees so far). Chicken waste is used as a valuable compost to fertilise the trees and surrounding farming land adding vital nutrients to depleted soils. In addition, the recycled water treatment plant helps turn dry unproductive land into timber country.

As well as giving back to the environment, planting these trees helps to offset carbon emissions.



A specifically designed water treatment plant has been constructed at Wattle ridge. Recycled wastewater processed by the water treatment plant is then used to water the tree plantations.

Excess water left over after the trees have been watered is then redirected to storage tanks. These tanks are registered with the Rural Fire Brigade of NSW and can be used in the event of a bushfire.


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If you would like to make an enquiry or have some general feedback please complete the form below.
You can also contact the Wattle ridge customer service team by phoning 1300 653 447.